The High Fiber, Low Cholesterol Diet: All About Healthy Living

It’s unfortunate that too many people only go on diets to lose weight. It’s not surprising, though, because there are so many overweight people living today. It’s also unfortunate that these same people that diet to lose weight are going to drastic measures, such as starvation, fad diets and even rigorous exercise, all with the goal of losing as much weight as possible in the shortest amount of time. The problem is that all of these fad diets and drastic measures wreak havoc on a person’s health. The weight may come off initially but it will leave the body weakened and more than likely the weight will just pile back on once the diet is finished. That’s why many people are taking to the high fiber, low cholesterol diet because they want to not only lose weight but they want to be healthy, too, which is what all diets should be about.

What Kinds Of Foods Can I Eat?

The best part about the high fiber, low cholesterol diet is that you don’t have to buy any videos, any food charts or any other items that many diets coerce you to buy in order to be successful. All you have to do is learn to read food labels and make better choices about the foods you put in your bodies. Your best bet is to go online and search for a list of foods that are high in fiber yet low in cholesterol. These high fiber, low cholesterol diet foods include fruits, vegetables, grains and all other foods that provide at least 35 grams of fiber per day. Many people will ask, however, how can simply eating food make you lose weight? Isn’t eating what makes people overweight in the first place?

It is true that eating makes people gain weight but it’s more complicated than that. You have to choose the right foods in order to lose weight. For example, by choosing foods that are included in the high fiber, low cholesterol diet, you can effectively control your blood sugar, which keeps you from snacking every couple of hours, you will feel fuller longer and you will eat less than you would if you chose sugar filled, processed foods.

So, the next time you are at the supermarket, instead of reaching for the over processed foods that you usually fill your basket with, choose the foods that are high in fiber yet low in cholesterol. These usually include the foods that don’t come in packages and that are found in the exterior parts of the grocery store. Once you get into the center aisles, that’s when you begin getting into the bad food areas. Keep to the outsides of the store, read the labels and lose weight the healthy way with the high fiber, low cholesterol diet.

The Benefits of High Fiber Diets

High fiber diets are rarely discussed when the topic of diets comes up in conversation. High fiber diets are not necessarily going to help a person lose weight, it is simply a lifestyle choice that helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly.

High Fiber diets are important because they work in keeping the intestines and colon healthy and running properly. Fiber helps to keep waste running smoothly through the body by creating the contractions that the intestines need to expel bowel movements. Fiber also helps to expand the walls of the colon to allow for waste to pass through more easily. Fiber also helps the waste to absorb water, which results in softer and bulkier stool. This helps the body to more easily expel the waste.

High Fiber Diets and Digestive Problems

While high fiber diets are beneficial to everyone, certain people have digestive problems that can be relieved or even corrected by changing their diet. This is most often seen in the form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is the term given to many people when there is no other issue that can be determined besides the fact that the person is experiencing bowel issues such as constipation, diarrhea, or a combination of the two. Irritable Bowel Syndrome can wreak havoc on someone’s life. High fiber diets can help to regulate the bowels and can relieve the symptoms of such conditions as IBS.

High fiber diets can also help to prevent some very large digestive problems and diseases, such as diverticulosis and colon cancer. Diverticulosis is a very painful digestive problem. Diverticulosis is caused by prolonged contraction of the colon, which then creates pockets in the intestine. Food can become lodged in these pockets and cause immense pain. This can lead to infection requiring antibiotics and surgery in some cases. High fiber diets can help to alleviate this by increasing the bulk of stool, which stops the unnecessary colon contractions, and can reduce or even stop the formation of the pockets in the intestine.

High fiber diets may also decrease the likelihood of colon cancer in some people. Colon cancer generally begins as a small, benign colon polyp that grows and may become cancerous. It is believed that a regular diet of high fiber foods will increase stool bulk and help to keep carcinogens found in certain foods moving quickly through the body. The decreased exposure may help to stop colon cancer from reaching fruition.

High fiber diets are beneficial to everyone, regardless of whether they are experiencing digestive issues or not. Prevention is much easier than having to cure a problem later.