The Fiber 35 Diet: The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off Forever

There are so many fad diets out there that one only has to turn on the television at any given hour to see the latest one. There are the high protein diets, the 24-hour liquid diet, the grapefruit diet, the pizza diet and more. However, with so many fad diets out there, there are still a record number of overweight people in this world. How can this be? It could be because these fad diets don’t work. However, there is a new diet out there that seems to work for many people and it’s called the Fiber 35 diet. This diet, developed by Doctor, Dietician and Best Selling Author Brenda Watson, helps you lose weight, improves your health and, the best part, it helps you keep the weight off forever.

What Is It?

The Fiber 35 diet involves eating at least 35 grams of fiber per day. This may seem like a piece of cake to a lot of people, no ill-willed pun intended, and it is. However, one only has to peruse the shelves at the local grocery store to see how much processed, sugar filled foods we eat daily to see that the Fiber 35 diet, while easy, still requires work. You have to pick and choose your foods carefully. Just as you wouldn’t put anything but good gasoline in your car, it involves only putting the best food in your body.

The only way to effectively lose weight the healthy way is to consume fewer calories that you burn off. The Fiber 35 diet provides a system that calculates your daily required caloric intake to match your goals so that you can effectively lose weight the healthy way. When this system is matched with at least 35 grams of fiber, the results are extraordinary.

The Fiber 35 diet sounds incredible, and it is, but it also works. For instance, not many people know that at least 35 grams of fiber per day acts as a natural appetite suppressant so that you naturally eat less. 35 grams of fiber also makes you feel full longer so that you aren’t snacking every few hours. In addition, 35 grams of fiber helps you eliminate more calories, the foods are naturally stress relieving, disease fighting foods that are healthy and are far from processed.

So, you see, to lose weight the healthy way, follow the experts and follow the Fiber 35 diet. By eating healthy foods and consuming fewer calories than you take in, you will be well on your way to keeping that weight off for good. Then, when people ask you your secret, you can tell them it was the Fiber 35 diet or you can keep the secret to yourself, the choice is up to you.

Understanding Soluble Fiber Foods

Many foods that contain fiber have both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber foods have fiber that passes directly through the body. This means that the soluble fiber in foods contains no calories. Fiber is an important part to every diet because it helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly and regularly. Not all foods with fiber contain soluble fiber, but those that do are even more beneficial.

There are many benefits to soluble fiber foods. These foods help to naturally lower cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major factor in the health of adults and can be a big problem when it gets too high. Naturally lowering cholesterol is hugely beneficial, even in those who have not experienced increased levels in cholesterol.

There are too many people who experience digestive problems and a lot of this has to do with a diet that is insufficient in fiber. Many people experience Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or occasional constipation or diarrhea. While IBS is often worsened by stress, soluble fiber foods can help to control and ease these symptoms. This is a problem that can rule people’s lives and cause embarrassing situations. Soluble fiber foods help to lessen the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and help to control and relieve the occasional bouts of constipation and diarrhea.

Where to Find Soluble Fiber Foods

Soluble fiber foods are not difficult to find, but the little bit of extra effort proves to be extremely beneficial to the body. Surprisingly, some foods that contain a lot of fiber, such as green, leafy vegetables and bran do not contain soluble fiber. While these foods are still a wonderful part of anyone’s diet, they do not contain soluble fiber.

In order to find soluble fiber foods, it is important to eat whole grains. Whole grains are healthy for many reasons including the high fiber content. Other soluble fiber foods include some cereals, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. As with any food, it is important to check the fiber content. Just because a food contains fiber, does not mean that it will fulfill the person’s fiber content for the day.

Soluble fiber foods are a very important part of diet. They help to lower cholesterol naturally as well as keep the digestive tract running smoothly. Whether a person has digestive issues or not, soluble fiber foods will help to keep the body in top condition.