Low Fiber Diet and Digestive Health

A low fiber diet can wreak havoc on digestive health. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the full benefits of fiber and follow a low fiber diet on a regular basis. This can cause digestive health to be put at risk. Following a diet that has the recommended amount of daily fiber will increase digestive health.

These days, many people are overeating and eating too many processed foods. This is why they have such a low fiber diet, because fiber is found mostly in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods contain the necessary fiber needed to maintain a healthy digestive system and keep it running smoothly.

In order to keep from living with a low fiber diet, people should incorporate high fiber foods into their already existing diet. This includes vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. Fruits should be eaten with the skin on and the pulp includes added fiber. Whole grains can be found in all types of bread and in many specialty cereals. In addition, stewed and dried fruits are a good source of fiber and include raisins, apricots, and prunes. Any of these foods will help increase the fiber in a low fiber diet.

Why a Low Fiber Diet is Unhealthy

A low fiber diet can cause serious issues within the digestive system. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an all too common condition that people must suffer with. This condition is generally diagnosed when people have a regular problem with constipation, diarrhea, or combination of the two. Medication helps some people, but increasing fiber intake can reduce and even eliminate symptoms.

Diverticulosis is a potentially life threatening condition. This condition is caused when pockets form within the intestine. This condition can proceed to a very painful condition called diverticulitis. This is when food becomes trapped within these pockets and can become enflamed and cause an infection. This is very painful and requires antibiotics and painkiller. Surgery may be necessary in extreme cases.

A low fiber diet may also increase the likelihood of colon cancer in some people. This is because an increase in fiber can help to push carcinogens through the system before they have the chance to spread into colon cancer. A high fiber diet will not necessarily stop these conditions in everyone, but will certainly help to increase digestive health and may help to lessen painful and often embarrassing symptoms.

A low fiber diet can be very detrimental to the health of someone’s digestive system. It is simple to add foods that contain fiber to a daily diet and there is no reason why someone should continue eating a low fiber diet once they have this vital information!